About Rethinking Economics

Rethinking Economics Netherlands was founded in 2015 by a group of students in Amsterdam. Throughout the years there have been many events organized, like lectures, workshops, book clubs, but also a festival-day full with speakers and activities. The movement has led to two publications (Thinking like an economist? and Economy Studies), several media appearances and a podcast.

After the coronacrisis the movement in the Netherlands gradually came to a slow down. But the name, resources, connections and ideas are still here!

Currently, we are in the phase of rebuilding the Rethinking Economics network in the Netherlands. Will you be part of this revival?

We are part of the international network Rethinking Economics.

Rethinking Economics was established in the UK soon after the financial crisis, when economics students were shocked that their university education had very little to say about the causes of the crisis and continued business as usual.

By now, the movement has groups in over 50 countries, spread over all continents. The network leads international campaigns, provides resources and trainings to its member groups, and organizes international meet-ups.